Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Romance in the Rain

Wednesday 17th April 2012 saw the first "Big Day" of our wedding season with a couple who had travelled all the way from Texas. Mackie, a management consultant, and Kathy, a media executive contacted Ravello Events last year asking for advice.
Mackie then worked closely with our coordinator on the itinerary leading up to their big day.

Kathy & Macie

Prior to arriving in Ravello they enjoyed a 10 day holiday visiting various places in Italy before going to Florence where -kathy bought her Armani Wedding dress.

Kathy & Mackie in Florence


On 12th April they arrived in Naples where they stayed at the Hotel Mediterraneo which was conveniently close to the American Consulate, as the following day - Friday 13th not traditionally a lucky day - they had to go to make their Sworn Declaration.

However, everything went perfectly. The taxi arrived on the dot of 8,30 a.m. and took the couple to the Consulate situated in Piazza Della Repubblica where they made their declaration in front of the American Consul.
At 9.30 Angela, our wedding co-ordinator, met them in Naples with our private taxi driver and they were taken to Salerno for the legalization of the marriage.

Prefettura in Salerno


That done, the whole party made their way along spectacular and world famouse Amalfi drive and the up into the mountains to Ravello where the couple settled into the luxuriousCaruso Hotel and all the necessary documentation was delivered to the Civil State Officer.

On Monday 16th April, Rosaria, Angela fellow co-ordinator, met Mackie and Kathy to escort them to the Town Hall in Ravello for thier Wedding Declaration and from there to Ravello Events' office to discuss last minute details.

Wedding declaration - Ravello Town Hall
Kathy & Mackie with the Ravello Civil State Officer
Tuesday, the Big Day ,dawned with rain fallind, but this took nothing away from the romance of the occasion with the final act taking place in our newly refurbished Town Hall where our florist was abe to create a truly wonderful ambience as a backdrop to the couple making their final vows.

Hotel Caruso

They approched the entrance over a beautiful carpet of white and pink rose petals with a string quartet playing thei favourite music.

The atmosphere was intimate but light-hearthed as Rosaria opened the proceedings with a joke! Then it was over to our mayor, Paolo Vuillimier, to welcome them and perform the ceremony.

Ravello City Hall
The vows were made and rings exchenged to concule a rany but very happy occasion.
Aggiungi didascalia
Ravello Events provided a bottle of rosè champagne and we all drank to the health and prosperity of our newly-weds.

That evening the wedding dinner took place at the Caruso Hotel were we arranged a violin to play "Moon River ", the bride's favourite song.

Hotel Caruso Bar

Despit the rain it was a very special and memorable occasion which we hope augurs well for the rest of our season.

We send our best wishes to Mackie and Kathy back in Texas.

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